We Need Your Support

If you like our program, show your support by spreading the word!

So far, the resources used to launch this two year pilot program have come out of our own pockets. There is a strong demand for air rescues in the interior of BC, and we need your public support to convince the government, local politicians, and other key players to help launch our BC Air Rescue service successfully.

British Columbia is decades behind the developed world in aerial medical and rescue resources.

British Columbia has one of the largest ambulance organizations in the world, yet they work at overcapacity. A geographically dispersed population base makes access difficult for ground ambulance paramedics. This is especially true in winter times when road access is limited. Even in areas where road access is prevalent, ambulances can get delayed in traffic jams. Air ambulances can overcome these challenges.

Kelowna General Hospital is equipped with a State of the Art Trauma Center and a modern Heliport.

They NEED to be effectively supported by a local aerial rescue and medical response assets. BC Air Rescue is dedicated to providing this support and our goal is to continue dedicating our Bell 412 helicopter for this task.

Contact Us

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Inquiry Type
  • Message

2431 Dominion Rd.
Kelowna, B.C.
 V1Z 2Y4
Telephone: (24/7): 1.250.769.9093
Fax: 1.250.769.9053

For all business or contract enquires please contact:
Ian Wilson – Vice President

Other Contacts
Mike Michaud – President
Dave Hauber – Chief Pilot